Friday, September 17, 2010

Take a deep breath...this is it...I am ready!

Hi all! I turned 50 in June and I am finally ready to get back on track fitness-wise. I lost my father to colon cancer in February of this year, and I know that the way he ate and the way I eat are clear contributors to that particular disease. I want to look good for myself, for my boyfriend and for my daughters, but more importantly, I want to be around for my girls and their children. I have already survived a brain tumor, woooo hooooo, and I don't intend to let unhealthy eating habits derail my plans for a long, happy life with my family and the people that I love.

Okay, boring monologue aside, here's my Game Plan. I worked it out with God the other day when I was busy praying over the sad state of my tummy. Tired of being asked if I am on fertility drugs (since I am obviously long past child bearing years but apparently quite pregnant looking with my little round tummy), I sat down with my journal, a glass of iced tea and my favorite purple pen. I prayed for wisdom, and three words leapt out at me:

Walk. Nourish. Thrive.

Thank You, God! Simple, strong, sure. I need to walk every day, get in my exercise for my body and my mind, use that time to work out the kinks of my everyday little world. I need to nourish my body by putting in healthy, whole foods that will give me strength mentally and physically. And, last but actually most important in my book, I need to thrive in every area of my life by pursuing a strong spiritual connection with my God, my daughters, my boyfriend and my entire family and friends network. I can do this by having a daily quiet time, time to center and draw on the spiritual resources I already have, and time to shore myself up by finding new resources to supplement the ones I currently enjoy. I need to be open and honest in my relationships, and to spend quality, real time with my girls. I need to be with my dogs. I need to pray often, read lots, and rest more.

I weigh....well, that's between God and me! but suffice it to say that my weight loss goal is 50 pounds.
I'd like to lose it by my sister's Christmas party. That would be three months. 12 weeks. That is 4 plus pounds a week. Possibly both unreasonable and unhealthy. I could compromise. How about 2-3 pounds a week. That would be around 24 pounds lost by Christmas, which would put me at about 125. There. If you are paying attention, you have figured out how much I weigh!