Saturday, May 7, 2011

Slow Food

I am pleasantly surprised at the way my body is responding so far to my Transformation. Yesterday I made a sandwich of organic turkey breast with avocado slices (instead of mayo!), a pinch of sea salt and a tiny dash of garlic pepper, with romaine lettuce on pumpernickel bread. It was FABULOUS! I really enjoyed it too. I sat down to eat, drank some hot green tea with it, and just took my time eating for once. I watched my little dogs, Ruffy and Sassy, playing around....did some quiet thought-prayers about things going on in my world right now...just relaxed and had a totally peace-filled eating experience. SOOOO different from my past eating times...rushing through a McDonald's line, stuffing a cardboard burger down quickly before the light turns green again!

It's all about a lifestyle change, not a diet. I am not depriving myself of anything. I can eat what I want, when I want. The difference is in the WANT. I just do not want to eat junk food as much as I want my body to recover its fitness. I do not want to eat late at night and wake up feeling bloated, with a headache from the caffeine and sugar and salt.

My desire is for fitness, health in all areas of my life. This is just a beginning, but oh, what a beginning it is!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day Two: Woman in Transition

Hi all! Today is the second day of my Self Challenge. My goal is to lose 50 pounds in 12 weeks, and to have my entire life overhauled in 18 weeks. Spiritually,financially, mentally and physically, I plan changes that will turn my life upside down but in a good way. A very, very good way.

I discovered this morning that I have lost a total of eight pounds. This is heartening because for the past four weeks I have seen absolutely no change whatsoever. I think the difference is eating more frequently, but smaller portions, over the day. My blood sugar may be stabilizing enough for my body to let me lose some weight.

Please continue to pray for me. I am not hungry today but I am craving wrong things...SUGAR, SALT, CAFFEINE!

I really wish I knew how to make it easier to eat healthily when you are on the go as much as I am. I am also not much of a cook, so I need to choose easy and quick...over elegant and hard...any day.